Buddha attained supreme enlightenment through meditation and then spent His whole life converting sentient beings. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Sutra teaches a method of meditation to gain no-self, and to enter Nirvana.
Foundations Of Meditation
When we start a meditation session, we have to get ourselves to have the three virtues: to have absolute reverence for Buddha, infinite love for sentient beings and endless humility .
These three things help us improve our morality and gain blessings, too.
Further, in our daily life, we have to force ourselves cleverly to keep our righteousness. Try to deal to create more with complicated situations intelligently to create more blessing and avoid sinning.
Then we must understand the three foundations of meditation which are Morality, Merit, and Qigong profoundly and practice them very well.
– Morality is our pure minds, infinite reverence for Buddha, love for all beings, and humility.
– Merit is what we gain when we bring happiness and morality to people.
– Qigong helps keep potential energy low in our bodies, helping our brains remain stable during the meditation session.

These foundations help us have a virtuous life though we haven’t attained any fruition of meditation or Sainthood yet. And when we practice meditation, or our practice and those foundations will have a nice mutual relationship.
We shouldn’t practice meditation alone but invite others to join us. The blessing of asking others to cultivate will help develop our spirituality. If you want to be good at something, you should teach/guide/share with others that thing. Whenever the pagoda opens a course for meditation, ask your friends to join you to meet everyone from everywhere and keep doing it forever.
When talking with our friends about meditation, we have to skillfully help them understand meditation thoroughly but don’t think that we are expert in it, or else you will lose your blessings. So, let humbly tell others about meditation.
Also, we must pay homage to Buddha every day.
When worshiping Buddha, you don’t have to be so much touched, just know that we must have absolute reverence for Buddha. This thought is a seed that helps us attain Sainthood later. Compassion for sentient beings is also a character of a Saint. As disciples of Buddha, we must practice having great compassion for beings, which will contribute to our merit of achieving Sainthood later. The phase of the Right Effort costs us effort and time and then we will move to the next phase of the Right Mindfulness which is very challenging. So, we must have a careful arrangement for the next phase and will achieve many great things.
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